Yakult (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
About Company
The man behind the founding of Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd was Dr. Minoru Shirota. He began developing Yakult in ;s School of Medicine. Dr. Shirota believed that rather than curing a disease, it was much better to build a strong body that was able to resist the disease. He turned his attention to the study of microorganisms due to his strong belief that a type of bacteria- ¡¥lactic acid bacteria is capable of contributing to our health. Dr Shirota¡ Lactobacillus casei, was found to be the most acid and bile resistant and was subsequently named Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain in honor of Dr Shirota¡, Dr. Shirota started distributing Yakult from his clinic. For the next , Dr Shirota founded his own company, Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd., consolidating his business by taking control of all the operations. His business plan had an overriding business objective: to promote health and bring happiness. The Yakult headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Today, Yakult is available in 28 countries and is consumed by more than 20 million people every day worldwide.